our services

Your therapy journey

Whatever the challenge with  your hand, wrist, elbow or shoulder; we will tailor a therapy solution for you.  Whether it be a custom made splint or sports brace, exercise prescription or advice about pain and swelling – we have a treatment plan for you.

At Sandhurst Specialist Hand Clinic we offer treatment for:

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Urgent Care

An injury within the last 7 days. This may include a dislocation or fracture of the hand and wrist, a tendon injury such as Mallett finger or a laceration.

Work related injury

Work-related Injury

Recent or persisting pain related to your work duties. This may include such conditions as DeQuervains tenosynovitis or lateral epicondylitis (note a GP referral required if intending to claim workers compensation).

Integrated surgical care

Integrated Surgical Care

If you are having surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome, dupuytrens disease or trigger finger with our Plastic Surgeons at Sandhurst, we look forward to continuing your journey.

Sporting injury

Sporting Injury

A recent injury at sport and want to return to play? This may include a jersey finger, scaphoid fracture, skier’s thumb ligament injury or sudden pain.

Medicare - gardening image

Medicare EPC plans

Arthritis or chronic pain and referred on a care plan from your doctor (note a gap fee will apply to these consults).

How we can help you

We offer treatment for essentially any painful musculo-skeletal injury or condition of the hand, wrist, elbow, arm and shoulder.  Here are a few common conditions we treat, just  to name a few.  If you are unsure if we can help, please reach out with a call or email and our friendly staff can advise.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

DeQuervains Tendonopathy

Finger Dislocation

Finger Joint Arthritis

Mallet Finger

Metacarpal Fracture

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Scaphoid Fractures

Tennis Elbow

Trigger Finger

UCL Skiiers Thumb

Wrist Instability

Dupuytrens Disease

Shoulder Pain

Elbow Pain


If you are living regionally and unable to travel to your appointment, we can offer Telehealth consultations to assist you. Please enquire about this service with our friendly team.

Funded Referrals

All workcover, TAC, DVA, and NDIS referrals are welcome. A GP referral is usually required. Please contact us if you wish to discuss.

AHTA Accredited

Look for the logo of an accredited hand therapist, which is someone who has met the stringent guidelines for qualification as set out by the Ahta. This is at least five years experience treating only upper limb injuries, and a wide range of additional education. 

A hand therapist studies broadly in the areas of upper limb anatomy and biomechanics, wound care, exercise prescription, interpreting X-rays and scans, and splint making just to name a few – making them a one stop shop for any pre or post operative conditions of the upper limb.

Get in touch

Contact us to book your next appointment. For any enquires call us on (03) 5443 0294.i